Pilates & Clubbell Yoga

Equipment Needs

If you are tuning in online: Please bring your own mat and wear comfortable clothing. No shoes necessary. A Foam roller and pillow, or hand towel is recommended.

Course Description


Beginning/ Intermediate Mat Pilates will focus on core movements that stretch, strengthen and balance the body. This class will bring body awareness through a fluid series of movements and breath work. This class is first and foremost about creating balance in the body. We will use mindful concentration to create precise and integrated, whole body movements geared towards strengthening, stretching and releasing muscles. Breath will be used as the connective tissue between movements to create smooth, rhythmic movement. Increased functionality will be enabled through realignment of the bones and repatterning the muscles to create lasting change in the body’s effectiveness in everyday movement and life.

Instructor - Tatyana

Clubbell Yoga 

Clubbell Yoga bridges the gap between strength training and yoga by infusing weighted Clubbells into traditional vinyasa classes. Participants do not need prior experience in yoga to do this practice. Each class will follow the principles of Clubbell Yoga: Awaken, Condition, and Practice. *Please note, Clubbell Yoga is currently on hold*

Instructor - Kate



Course Schedule

Class Day(s) Offered Time Location(s) Instructor(s) Cost Modality
Pilates - T Tuesday 12:05 - 12:50 p.m. SRC Studio B
$35 Hybrid
Pilates - R Thursday 12:05 - 12:50 p.m. SRC Studio B
$35 Hybrid
Pilates - TR Combo Tuesday, Thursday 12:05 - 12:50 p.m. SRC Studio B
$60 Hybrid