Focused Flow & Gentle Yoga

Equipment Needs

Yoga mat or sticky footing required; yoga block (substitute: books or a small step stool), blanket, and bolster or a throw pillow recommended.

Course Description

Focused Flow Yoga

This class weaves together clear alignment direction through subtle yet strong novel sequences that release,  strengthen and build toward a deeper connection to the body. Woven into the physical practice, through breath awareness and specific cuing this class facilitates calming the nervous system. The space is adorned with yogic philosophy and a variety of adaptations that allow a whole body experience for all levels of students.

Instructor - Milo

Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga is designed for all levels, focusing on slowing down and turning inward. We'll explore the Taoist roots of Yin Yoga by embracing the principles of harmony, balance, and flow. Each posture becomes an opportunity to connect with our inner energy, or 'qi', as we gently stretch and release tension from our muscles and fascia. In our time together fluidity, softness, and the Taoist belief in yielding and adapting to the natural rhythms of life will guide our movements and intentions.

Yin postures, gentle Hatha postures, Qigong, breathwork, meditation, as well as other aspects of Yoga may be included at any time for a dynamic experience. Throughout class, modifications will be offered to suit your individual needs and ensure that everyone feels supported and comfortable. You’re encouraged to listen to your body's wisdom and adjust each pose accordingly, finding ease and comfort in your practice.

Instructor - Milo



Course Schedule

Class Day(s) Offered Time Location(s) Instructor(s) Cost Modality
Gentle Yoga - R Thursday 12:05 - 12:50 p.m. SRC Studio A
$40 Hybrid
Focused Flow and Gentle Yoga - TR Combo Tuesday, Thursday 12:05 - 12:50 p.m. SRC Studio A
$70 Hybrid